Introduction: Unveiling the Path to Abundance with Obison Ifeanyi

In a world where the pursuit of wealth and success often seems like an elusive dream, Obison Ifeanyi stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Author of the transformative book Riches Are Not Beyond Your Reach, Ifeanyi draws upon his profound understanding of spirituality, personal experiences, and the wisdom gleaned from countless books to illuminate the path to abundance. Through his journey of triumph over adversity, he encapsulates the belief that true riches encompass not just financial prosperity, but also spiritual wealth, fulfilling relationships, and a life brimming with purpose.

In this article, we delve into the heart of Ifeanyi’s message—one that challenges common misconceptions about wealth and invites readers to embrace their potential for greatness. As we explore the key themes and principles outlined in his book, we discover that the seeds of success lie within each of us, waiting to be nurtured and cultivated. Join us as we unravel the inspiring story of Obison Ifeanyi, a man dedicated to empowering others to reach for their dreams and unlock the treasures that life has to offer.

What Inspired Me to Write This Book?

Well, before I present my answer, I want to say something about the word “inspiration.” My first encounter with this word—inspiration—was in the scripture, 2 Timothy 3:16. As a matter of fact, different things inspire different people. To me, inspiration is something that motivates someone to be better and do better in whatever situation they find themselves in.

The inspiration for this unmatched book, Riches Are Not Beyond Your Reach, came from three points:

1. The Word of God in the Holy Scripture

The Word of God has inspired me profoundly; I would say it is beyond human understanding. Even I cannot explain how everything happened. However, I will tell you for free that the Word of God is what led me to conclude that there is nothing in this world, linked to God Almighty, that I cannot achieve or accomplish. Riches of any kind are abundantly available to all those who seek them in the Lord.

With this knowledge and conviction, I embraced life with an open mind, ready to pursue my goals. My mind became filled with determination to see the invisible and do the impossible.

2. My Early Life Lessons and Experiences

My early life lessons and experiences were all learned the hard way. Yes! Death and life, in general, dealt with me harshly during my early years. Life taught me that the only way to make progress in every aspect is to take decisive action, not just to think creatively but also to act. It also made me realize that progress, riches, and a better life automatically begin when I think and take action.

Starting is the only way to make progress in life, and this realization inspired me to do many things, including writing this book.

3. Books I Have Read

The books I have read truly inspired me to author this book. Works by great men and women that focus on self-development, spiritual guidance, and financial success revolutionized my life and inspired me to strive for the best life has to offer. These great authors reconditioned my mind to think and act wisely in everything I do.

Many of these authors’ books inspired me to think outside the box and to intentionally use my life as a means to impact others while enriching my own life.

The Moment That Sparked the Idea for This Book

If I had to pinpoint a specific experience that sparked the idea for this unmatched book, it would be my reading of Robert Collier’s book, Riches Within Your Reach! The idea for this book had been with me unnoticed, but my time with Collier’s work brought it to the forefront. Something ministered to me, saying, “Can you see that there is nothing linked to God that remains impossible? Everything you need to become what I want you to be is within your reach; all you need is to be intentional in what you do, think, and allow into your life.” Nothing is beyond your reach, including riches, good health, and peace of mind. I paused, and the thought flashed back to me like a spotlight in another form: “Riches Are Not Beyond Your Reach.” I quickly noted it down and immediately began working on it as a book title.

Reflecting on My Personal Journey

In every journey, there is a beginning. I can’t recall much from my early childhood, but many of my memories are seen through a child’s eyes. As far as I can tell, I’ve always been keen on doing things willingly and creatively. Looking back, I was quite self-approving, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Unfortunately, self-awareness wasn’t something I learned until many years later.

Something significant happened in my early primary school days: I lost my mother to the cold hands of death. After the burial, my father requested that I go live with one of our aunts. He facilitated everything, including my school transfer, and before I knew it, I had a new home and school. I don’t recall how long I spent there, but I remember one hot afternoon when I left without notice and returned to my father’s house, surprising everyone. After that, my father decided to let me be, and that’s how I returned home to my former school.

This instability affected my academic performance in primary school, compounded by my tendency to play too much. I also fought often, but not for my own causes. Whenever I was in a fight, it was either to defend someone defenseless or to rescue the oppressed. This tendency made even my seniors and peers fear me.

My poor academic performance continued into junior secondary school. The only things that captured my attention were drawing and games. I struggled to study or even take care of my schoolbooks. However, something happened that changed my life positively: I joined a biblical society called the Biblical Instructors Union (CBIUS), which is under the Roman Catholic Church. In need of a Bible, I asked my father for one, and he got me a Good News Bible.

I made the Bible my best companion. Even though I could not read well then, I never stopped trying to read, and whenever I came across a big word, I quickly looked it up in the dictionary. Before long, my interest in reading and writing grew tremendously.

Another remarkable event occurred when I visited my maternal home. While helping my uncle arrange his room, I came across an old psychology magazine that caught my attention. With his permission, I took the magazine. Reading this magazine, along with my Bible, and meditating on the words within, revolutionized my life.

I began making positive and enriching decisions—decisions to put my “best” into everything I do. This choice transformed my thinking capacity, mindset, and beliefs about life and its challenges. For the first time, I decided to spend more time reading my school books, attending church programs, and joining friends for extra-curricular classes.

It took less than a term for my position as one of the five students with the poorest results in the class to dramatically shift to being among the first five with the best results. These two influential books, along with many others I read later, elevated every aspect of my life. I became friends with many, and surprisingly, many of my teachers also became my close friends.

Due to the radical change in my life, I was appointed the Labour Prefect for my class and the Games Prefect for the school. From the knowledge I gathered from the books I read and the experience of being welcomed by teachers and given important responsibilities, I discovered that leadership begins with having something to offer and being willing to learn and give your best in everything you do. This realization made me more intentional in my actions both inside and outside the school environment.

However, death struck again, and this time it was particularly hard on me: my good friend and caring father was no more. It felt like the world had come to an end, but thank God for His grace. I was able to overcome the trauma with the support of my brothers, sisters, and steadfast friends.

During my undergraduate years, I became known as the brain behind many ideas, as many would testify. You could not approach me without gaining insight or enlightenment that would give you an edge over your challenges. Sometimes, I would pick a topic, write an article on it, print copies, and share them with my close friends, signing my name: Obison Inspirational. Some students would request a copy, and I would provide one.

As this continued, I received recommendations for outstanding leadership positions, which I initially turned down until my Local Government Students Association elected me as their Financial Secretary. After that, I became the president of the association. Simultaneously, I was appointed as the personal assistant (PA) to the President of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) chapter.

During my postgraduate studies, I approached leadership with a spirit of excellence and a focus on helping people bring out their best. I undertook a Community Development Service (CDS) project during my NYSC program in Bauchi State, Nigeria. I established a project called the Special Education Skills Acquisition Project (SESAP) at the Special Education Centre, Yelwa, Bauchi State. I provided the school with computers, sewing machines, chairs and tables, technical tools, and many other materials for learning.

The project earned me various awards, including a State Honours Award from NYSC and the Bauchi State Government, recognition from the local government, and gifts from notable politicians and individuals.

Stepping into the world of reality, I gained employment, and a few years later, I became the General Manager of my company—a position that put me in charge of all managerial and administrative activities.

In my church community, it became clear to me that the Lord wanted me to prepare to teach and preach His Word to the world. By His guidance, I enrolled in a theological school, where I graduated with several awards:

  • The Best Graduating Student
  • The Best Project Student
  • The Most Well-Behaved Student

After graduating from theological school, I was appointed as the Sunday School Teacher at my church. In May 2008, another priest created a teenager group and handed it over to me to manage and mentor, a role I continue to fulfill today alongside other engagements with NGOs and forums focused on teen and youth development.

I have attended various programs and training sessions to keep myself relevant and valuable to my society and the world at large.

On a special note, my involvement with teens and youths opened my eyes to the necessity of extreme care and mentoring. I am grateful that my journey with them inspired my first book on teenagers, Teenagers’ Soul Tonic: Living with a New Spirit and Thought. The journey continues, and there is more to say, but due to time and space constraints, I will pause here.

How My Experiences Shaped My Message in This Book

The early discovery of the importance of positive and enriching decision-making, the ability to change my perceived inability to read well, and being intentional in my actions contributed to what made this book a reality and the messages within it.

Book Content and Themes

What I Mean by “Riches” in the Context of This Book

“Riches,” in the context of this book, is not limited to financial wealth; it encompasses a broader understanding. It refers to riches that originate in our minds and the greater abundance found in our Creator—God Almighty. It includes the riches of liberty and the freedom to be co-creators, as well as the riches of human relationships, cooperation, and harmonious coexistence.

From the first page to the last, this book defines riches as the understanding that whatever we desire in life is within our reach. These potential forms of riches can bring abundant success, happiness, wealth, health, and much more into our lives.

Key Principles or Strategies Discussed That Will Help People Achieve Their Version of Riches

Regardless of one’s circumstances, this book offers a formula and step-by-step instructions for achieving abundant success. The principles discussed are transformative, turning thoughts into reality through positive thinking and actions.

The strategies presented not only serve as a guide to material wealth but also encompass the entirety of our existence and success in life. They focus on a transformational mindset shift—not waiting for riches to come to you, but taking proactive steps, stretching beyond perceived limits, and wisely seizing the opportunities life provides to expand your horizons.

These principles can be narrowed down to twelve key insights, of which I will highlight the first and last:

  1. Decide what you want.
  2. A burning desire to be rich.
  3. Don’t eat your seed; sow or invest it.
  4. Be a person of limitless ideas and activities.
  5. “Yet, once we were equal.”
  6. Inside-out.
  7. Do it, and do it better.
  8. Anyone can think big.
  9. Develop your creative imagination.
  10. Build your enthusiasm.
  11. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
  12. If God is within your reach, riches are yours.

Decide What You Want

Nothing greatly enriching will happen without a decision. You must decide what you want above all else. Everything you need to be rich—materially, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise—has already been abundantly provided. However, a definite, quick, and firm decision is essential to access these resources. Your decisions in life will either push you beyond your limits or limit you from reaching the riches that are within your grasp.

If God Is Within Your Reach, Riches Are Yours

If God is within your reach, there is nothing beyond your power to achieve. God’s presence in your life brings everything under your dominion, control, and utilization.

All things were created by God, and nothing exists without Him. He knows the depths of the sea and the treasures hidden within. God understands where every life-changing treasure lies and where every secret of the land can be discovered. He alone can open our inner eyes and minds, convincing us how to make these resources ours. Thus, with God within our reach, all enriching resources and treasures are automatically accessible to us.

Common Misconceptions About Wealth That This Book Stands to Dispel

  1. The belief that riches consist solely of money is a misconception. Enduring riches in all aspects of our lives encompass many values beyond material wealth, which this book provides.

  2. The notion that one lacks the qualities to be wealthy and successful is a significant misconception. We all possess what it takes to achieve greatness in life; it is merely a matter of harnessing the drive to utilize our potential, which this book aims to instill.

  3. The belief that education guarantees wealth and success is another misconception. One’s background, level of education, and school attended do not determine success. Many school dropouts and individuals who never attended school have become extraordinarily wealthy and successful. This book seeks to correct such misconceptions and impressions.


In conclusion, the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of riches—both tangible and intangible—reveals the profound connection between mindset and achievement. As Obison eloquently articulates, riches are not solely defined by financial wealth; they encompass a broader spectrum of possibilities, including personal growth, relationships, and spiritual fulfillment.

By embracing the principles outlined in this article, readers are encouraged to reflect on their aspirations and take decisive actions toward their goals. Whether through the power of the written word or the inspiration found in everyday experiences, we all possess the ability to transform our lives. Remember, the true measure of wealth lies within our reach, and by fostering a mindset of abundance, we can create a life rich with meaning and purpose.

As you embark on your journey, let the insights shared by Obison guide you, and may you always strive to unlock the treasures that life has to offer. Thank you for joining us on Readsypage, where we celebrate the power of inspiration and the endless possibilities that await.

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